Tuesday 8 April 2014

Q4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

When creating my magazine I looked at lots of different magazines to get a true insight of what real magazines looked like and what I could possibly base my magazine on, I especially looked at Billboard magazine which is in the same genre as mine, which is pop. Billboard magazine is already out and is a very popular music magazine. Billboard and my music magazine also have the similar audiences as mine due to the colours used on both of our magazines. I chosen that my magazine would be available to my audience on the internet as well sold as hard copies too. I thought that putting my magazine available on the internet would be very effective as now a day a lot of people especially teenagers use the internet to read magazines. This is what I found out when I was doing my research for my magazine. Having my magazine available to view on  the internet this would also save money instead of having to pay for the printing of my magazine which would come at a big cost. I would want Bauer media to distribute my magazine as its Europe's largest privately owned publishing group. Also it has magazines in 15 different countries, which I would want mine to be a worldwide magazine. As well I would want my magazine available online for my audience to be able to access, so having Bauer would be helpful as they distribute on TV and radio too. Bauer distributes magazines such as Heat, this is another magazine which has a young target audience like my music magazine does. They also don't distribute any electronic dance music magazines which isn't my genre however they do distribute rock and pop. Bauer would also have a bigger budget as this will attract more of a big audience by having competitions, giveaways and big artists.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Q1 - In what ways does your media product use, devolp or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Throughout the making of my front cover, contents page and double page spread for continuity I think that it is very important to make sure that I have used the same front and the same colour scheme throughout my magazines which is purple, green and black. This is very important to make it look the most professional I can. When making my I made sure that I including stories that my target audience would be most interested in seeing and therefore then buying the magazine. I did a similar thing when I was creating my contents page as I needed to include stories on my contents page which will hook my audience to my magazine as the may flick through and quickly look through when buying it in a shop. I have tried to use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products by what I have seen in my research from existing products. The numbers on the double page spread I had to make realistic by saying it was page 50, as this is where double page spread are usually are in magazines so to make mine most like a professional magazine I made later in the magazine.