Wednesday 6 November 2013

Colour Scheme Research

Here I have looked at different colour schemes to see what colours go well together that I can use in my magazine. Witth looking at these I have found I can see which go well together and which stand out next to each other so I can use these throughtout my magazine to make it stand from all other magazines. Choosing good colours are very important to make sure you can see exactly what needs to be shown and to make sure that you can see text against the colours I have chose. This is why this is very important to the part of creating my magazine for my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

I have also used a website called which helped me to see what colours go well with others next to, I had to at first put in a colour I like which at this point I chosen pink as it is a girl pop magazine. Then after I had chosen this it automatically came up with colours that linked well with my chosen colour and look good next to each other. This will help me choose what colour I would want to work witt throughout my magazine. Out of these colours that links with my pink, its come up with purple and green work well with pink so I think I might use these colours together to make my magazine stand out.

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