Wednesday 20 November 2013

Focus group response

The focus group questions I asked I think really helped me and were useful for my creation of my magazine, it'll help me what type of colours, artists to include in my magazine for my target audience. My target audience for my magazine is the same age of what the age of the people that answered my questions for my focus group. This helps me find out what people like to see in pop magazines or what they don't. I will adjust from what decisions I will make when creating my magazine from the help of the responses. I found out that young teenagers like regular magazines that could be published either weekly or monthly also the types of colours they like to see in magazines. I also have found of from constructing my focus group that people would rather buy hard copies rather then digital copies. It hasn't made me change any initial ideas because all my questions that I asked helped me with what I was going to include anyways in my magazine. I found what types of artists they are interested in and who they wouldn't like to see. This will guide me to see what teenagers in this generation are interested in so I could make my pop magazine up to date so it will appeal to my target audience. My focus group also helped me set the price of my magazine to be about £4.

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