Wednesday 13 November 2013

Social Class Table

The social class I will be aiming at for my magazine is class E which is those at the lowest levels of subsistence which is students, I think my type of magazine I will produce will relate to students really well, my genre also links with the social class as young people tend to listen to more pop and upbeat music with the artists in this genre, but more older people would prefer to listen to more old songs which isn't pop music. More students also would have more time to read music magazines as they are in college or university but more adults have a family and full time jobs which wouldn't make my magazine sell because they won't have as much time to read it therefore they wouldn't buy it or if they do, they wouldn't buy it as often, this is why students will appeal to it more. The main things I would do to adhere to students needs for the magazine is that I would make my magazine bright and colourful so that they are attracted to it, so they will buy it. This also will clearly separate my magazine which is for students from the more the older magazines for example gardening, cooking etc. I would also make my gifts and prizes more young and which would be ideal for students rather then something like a weekend away which would much more appeal to adults. I would also include  more gossip stories in my magazine which they would find interesting to read rather then mature stories which students wouldn't enjoy reading and then get bored and not purchase my magazine again, this is very important as if it has more gossip stories included in my magazine they will be able to take the gossip they found and tell people, then make the magazine more popular. the price range i feel that I am going to target is between £1.50 to £2.50 as this is an amount that students would be able to afford weekly and will not have to stress that the magazine is maybe to much and will have to miss a week publish, with this price hopefully attract students to buy it as it is fairly cheap for a music magazine. For my music magazine for students they will be interested in free itunes money to use on itunes as our generation is very technological and listens to a lot of music, or maybe a disk made up of previews of new songs as teenagers will be very interested in this because they are always looking for new songs in the charts, another idea I could include is vouchers for shops that are popular such as Topshop, Zara, River Island etc. This also would be very effective for both genders too. The social class table will help me with my feature stories and target audience as I will know from looking at the social class table what different social classes will want to see, also with the target audience it helped because I could see who was in the social status and link with their occupation which helped me choose the students. Looking at the table also shows me that all the classes above class E are all working so this means that maybe if I did my target audience for working class etc, less magazines would get sold as they would be busy with work and wouldn't have time to read my magazine, I thought it would be much more effective setting my target audience as students as they would have more time on their hands.

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