Wednesday 6 November 2013

Different names and fonts

I have chosen to try out different names and different fonts to see which ones I like for my magazine. I tried a range of fancy writing, bold and even pictures in the letters to get a variety. Looking at different fonts will help me choose what type of writing will look different and stand out along side other magazines. I have chosen to use an example of quite alot of plain fonts but these are very bold and bright which will look effective and catch the eye. All theses fonts and names link with my genre which is pop music because they are not a certain type of font they are curvy and bold. I do like quite alot of the fonts I chose but i especially like the 'Beats' one which the weird 's' on the end which does make the title look more like a pop style. The name I mainly prefer out of the three I have chosen is 'Beats' as this links with my genre because pop music are full of beats and can be up beat music. These are very fancy styles which I am aiming mine to be like so it connects with the whole type of magazine I will be producing. With these example you properly will be seeing a few of these on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I think if I use simular or these titles I reckon my magazine will be very successful and will look good.

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